COP26, Misinformation, and the Value of Life

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COP26 Starts

Conference of The Parties 26 is a climate summit being held in Glasgow. This is widely called the “last best chance” to address climate change.

Commentary and excellent perspective by Michael Mann, author of <a target=”_blank” href=”″ rel=”noopener”>The New Climate War: The Fight to Take Back Our Planet</a> (Amazon associates link*) interviewed on CNN:

Climate Change Disinformation

There are still people who do not “believe in” climate change, and there is still an anti-science industry out there keeping that lack of belief alive.  This is just a reminder of the DeSmog Blog Climate Disinformation Database.  Check it out!

Human Life vs. Climate Change

Climate communicator Dana Nuccitelli has a piece discussing how “new research quantifies how actions to curb climate change will yield immediate benefits from cleaner air, better health, and longer lives.”  It is HERE. In it, Dana refers to this new study on evaluating and valuing rapid decarbonization of the global energy system. ‘

Don’t forget to attend the upcoming forum on Healthy Farms and Healthy Soils!