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When breakthrough technology that isn’t really breakthrough technology breaks through

Two very important papers are just out by Joe Romm. Hae a look.

1) Why scaling bioenergy and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) is impractical and would speed up global warming

Bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) has generated great interest as global emissions have soared to 50 billion tons (Gt) a year of CO2 equivalent. In theory, biomass could remove CO2 out of the air as it grows, and a CCS system on the bioenergy power plant could permanently bury the CO2, making BECCS potentially a “negative” emissions technology.

But a growing body of research casts doubt on whether either bioenergy or BECCS are scalable climate solutions—or solutions at all. Those doubts are reinforced by findings from the first dynamic, integrated global modeling of BECCS by the researchers of Climate Interactive:

Click through to see the entire paper.

2) Why direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS) is not scalable and ‘net zero’ is a dangerous myth

As global emissions have soared to 50 billion tons (Gt) of CO2 equivalent, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) strategies have generated great interest. The three most widely analyzed and modeled are direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS), which pulls CO2 directly out of the air and stores it underground; planting trees; and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage, whereby growing biomass removes CO2 from the air and a CCS system on the bioenergy plant could permanently bury it.

In theory, by combining deep emissions cuts (achieved by substituting carbon-free energy for fossil fuels) with a scaled-up CDR effort, we could bring total emissions down to “net zero.” But as other white papers in this series have explained, scaling tree planting faces major challenges, and scaling BECCS is impractical and would speed up global warming this century.

Click through to see the entire paper.

Miranda Pacheco for Duluth City Council

The DFLEC endorses Miranda Pacheco for Duluth City Council At-large.

Miranda moved to Duluth to attend a drug treatment center, and went on to work at the places that helped her. It was in Duluth that she connected with her Ojibwe roots, and she earned an associate degree from Fond du Lac Community College. She is now earning a social work degree from the College of St. Scholastica and is fighting every day for people that need support. Protecting the land and water is one of her core values.

Please visit Miranda’s web site and see how you can help her out!

Salaam Witherspoon for Duluth City Council

The DFL Environmental Caucuis Endorsement Committee unanimously recommends Salaam Witherspoon for Duluth’s Fourth District City Council seat.

Salaam was born and raised in Duluth as the youngest of eleven children, and is now a mother herself. She believes that too often people who are impacted by a decision are not at the table when the decision is being made. For example, housing projects are created before asking what the people who need housing want. Public health is a big concern of hers, and she has been a community organizer for CHUM. She is willing to listen to the views of constituents on all sides of issues but in the end, will do what she believes is best. She stated that sulfide mining is not safe, not matter how it’s proposed, and she plans to listen to volunteer voices as she crafts legislation.

Visit Salaam’s site here, and please lend her a hand!

Jenna Yeakle for Duluth City Council

The DFL Environmental Caucus Endorsement Committee unanimously recommended, and the Board of Directors unanimously supports, Jenna Yeakle for Duluth City Council.

Jenna grew up in Duluth and is a graduate of Duluth East High School. Jenna is an environmental champion for Northeast Minnesota and will be a leader on the Duluth City Council on environmental issues. She believes that government at its best is taking care of each other, and through her non-profit work and as the Duluth organizer for the Sierra Club, Jenna has demonstrated that she knows how to bring people together to organize for change. Jenna has a master’s in public health and understands how to use that knowledge to apply it to her work in the community. She believes that government needs to work through a transparent process that is driven by community. She said, “As counselors, we should be aware of the power we have. When cities move, governors move, when governors move, congress moves.”

Jenna is motivated to allocate the Covid-19 recovery monies and other local governments resources to support thriving neighborhoods, transportation that prioritizes people, and bold climate action. Jenna believes that it is the responsibility of the Mayor and City Council of Duluth to take a position against upstream sulfide mining proposals that would include requesting the DNR expand the scope of a contested case hearing to include the design of the dam and financial assurance, and communicating with the Walz administration about the need to safeguard fresh water while investing in projects that put people first. providing quality union jobs for Duluthians and Northeastern Minnesotans is not a separate issue from environmental protections.

Visit Jenna’s site here, and please lend her a hand!

Wendy Durrwachter for Duluth’s First District

The DFL Environmental Caucus Endorsement committee unanimously recommended, and the board unanimously supports, Wendy Durrwachter for the
Duluth First District City Council seat.

Wendy’s passion is music, and she was able to pursue her passion while a single mother of two, working two to three jobs to afford rent. She came to Duluth for the outdoors, but fell in love with the community, and she is running to ensure the next generation will have opportunities to thrive in Duluth. One of her main reasons for running for office is that she sees the biggest threat facing a healthy future is upstream copper-sulfide mining projects, and she believes “it is 100% the responsibility of the Mayor and City Council to take a strong stance against these upstream projects.”

Wendy believes that every city project is an opportunity to increase canopy with biodiverse trees and plants, expand transportation options, reduce carbon emissions, use recycled materials, a strong focus on sewage and storm water infrastructure. She has volunteered for Duluth for Clean Water, attended the PolyMet shareholders meeting in Toronto, Take Action MN to improve conditions for working families, and has served on the Arrowhead Arts Council
Grants Panel, which fosters our community of artists. Her strong support for Duluth’s environmental resources and work through a number of organizations shows Wendy to be a leader for the community.

Visit Wendy’s site here, and please lend her a hand!

Protect our Shared Resource: An update on efforts to stop Niagara

I’ve been advocating for the preservation and protection of Minnesota’s water resources with the DFL Environmental Caucus since 2014. But in early December, the issue came to my front doorstep with a loud bang. I learned the city of Elko New Market was rushing through plans for California-based Niagara Bottling to build a factory in my township, with the intent to sell 310 million gallons each year of groundwater, all in single use plastic bottles. Like many residents here, I have many questions and concerns about this project. Will our private well be impacted by the drawdown from the city’s well? Will we run out of water for other uses? The headwaters of the Vermillion river are within walking distance of my house. How will this increased water use affect the river? Why are we allowing more plastic bottles to fill our landfills and clog our oceans? 


Image source

Niagara, with a net worth of $2.4 billion and annual revenue of $500 million, could have asked the DNR for a permit to dig a well and mine the groundwater themselves, but instead they plan to buy the water from the city, at a discounted industrial rate. The city annexed and acquired a 118 acre I35 Industrial Park from the township and spent $3 million bringing in city sewer and water to the site and, and the city is anxious to benefit from its investment. The city’s updated water plan includes an additional well by 2024 and an additional water storage tower by 2025 to meet the expected water demand from Niagara and future growth. The council will vote at their June 8th meeting whether to waive the water and sewer hook up fees for Niagara (SAC $139.582 and WAC $2,945,163). The 20 properties adjacent to the site are concerned about the noise, lights, and traffic from 110 diesel trucks per day, and the loss of value to their property ($40K per each residential lot) when their quiet neighborhood becomes an industrial park. 

How will the city prioritize domestic use in times of drought when the main user of their water is an industry? According to MN statute 103G.261: 

Domestic water supply, excluding industrial and commercial uses of municipal water supply have first priority for use.  

Niagara has a history of suing cities that try to limit their water use.

This isn’t the first time that Niagara has faced public scrutiny over expansion of water rights. In 2009 then-mayor Richard Smith of Groveland, Fla., wrote an op-ed in the Florida Times Union, stating, “I am calling on other Floridians to join our city of 7,000 residents to stand up against Niagara Bottling Co., which seeks to deplete our aquifer by nearly 500,000 gallons of water a day. This would have a crippling effect on our current and future water supply.” The water company sued the city of Groveland after it challenged its permit application. The city finally ended its water war with Niagara after a $1.35 million dollar settlement was reached. ( source)

The City of Elko New Market has requested the DNR to allow the city to triple a groundwater use permit to facilitate the proposed Niagara water bottling facility. This could draw down the surface water above the aquifer and damage the Vermillion River, a rare urban trout stream. The stream does not support trout at the headwaters in New Market Township but these waters travel downstream to the Northeast to areas that do support trout. According to DFLEC board member Dr. Lawrence Baker, recently retired from the University of Minnesota’s Ecological Engineering Group:

Decreased streamflow has several ecological effects: 1) the stream might warm up; 2) the stream might partly dry up, stranding fish; 3) if the temperature goes up, the level of oxygen saturation goes down; 4) if there is significant organic material in the stream, it oxidizes faster (due to elevated temp) in less volume (due to lower flow) and there will be a greater tendency for the dissolved oxygen to decrease enough to kill fish.  This is particularly true for trout, which need higher dissolved oxygen levels than warm water fish like bass, which in turn need higher oxygen levels than carp.  Hence, the overall effect of too much groundwater withdrawal is complex and profound.  Scientists can model these effects pretty reliably.

Will the increased pumping of groundwater affect the Vermillion River and other surface waters?

A 2017 multi aquifer test in Lakeville determined that increased pumping of the Jordan aquifer did indeed reduce discharge in South Creek. The results surprised BJ Bonin, the DNR geologist who did the study. 

Modeling done by Scott County in 2009 predicted drawdown of the surface waters with increased use by 2030.  “In Dakota County, which draws the most groundwater per capita of any county in the metro, the Met Council projects that by 2040, periods of drought are “highly likely to result in local shortages” with some cities in the county seeing a 50% depletion of aquifer water.” Source 

The cities of Lakeville, Empire, and Savage exceeded their groundwater permit in 2021. (Source)  Regional overuse of groundwater also threatens the calcareous fens in nearby Burnsville’s Kelleher Park  and Savage. These rare features are protected by statute (R. 8420.0935 subp. 4), which says that calcareous fens cannot be “impacted or otherwise altered or degraded except as provided for in a management plan approved by the commissioner.”  See also this DNR fact sheet. Yet the city’s updated 2040 water plan and significant user agreement for Niagara includes no conservation measures for their largest industrial user. Instead, the council intends to charge them a flat fee, much lower than residents pay for their water, with no tiered price structure, 

The city of Elko New Market hired LRE ( to assess the likelihood that the increased water use would draw down the surface waters of the Vermillion River. Based on county geologic maps they concluded that the source of the city well water, the Prairie du Chien Jordan aquifer, was not connected to the surface layers above, but was confined by the glacial till. However, Dr. Carrie Jennings, a geologist who specializes in glacial geology, explains in this presentation to the Elko New Market City Council that the till is not uniform, and periglacial underground tunnels connect the surface with deeper areas at several locations. These under-ice rivers that formed during the last glacial period consist of highly permeable sediments that typically extend well below the surface, often all the way to bedrock, and directly connect surface waters to the deep aquifer. The only way to know if these tunnels exist at the site is to conduct a carefully designed, multi-aquifer test.

The DNR ruled that an aquifer test is required before the city can get its use appropriation increase. Many thanks to advocates from Trout Unlimited, Sierra Club, and especially Carly Griffith of Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, Dr. Carrie Jennings of the Freshwater Society, and resident Janelle Kuznia, for their work to require the multi-aquifer test. The city plans to pay their consultant, LRE, around $100,000 of taxpayer money to conduct the study. The DNR will need to approve the test and verify the results. 

This fight is not over. We must conserve and protect our groundwater resources for future generations. A regional approach to managing this resource is needed or our wells will run dry and rare surface features such as calcareous fens and trout streams will be lost. The DFL Environmental Caucus will continue to work with our allies to advocate for the protection of our shared resources and the elimination of single use plastics. Please join us and protect what you love!


DFLEC Legislative Wrap-up Monday May 22, 7PM on Zoom

Planning is still underway, but this is the current setup for May 22:

Join the DFLEC for our end-of-session legislative wrap-up

Amanda Koehler of the Land Stewardship Project, Scott Beauchamp of Friends of the BWCA, and DFL Environmental Caucus Directors and friends including Libby Bent, Susan Schubert, and others will discuss a diversity of issues including this year’s legislative wins, a few losses, and issues we will be addressing in the future such as ATV use and regulation across the state.

6:30 early sign on and open discussion
7:00 Start of Forum
7:45 Transition to DFLEC meeting, all welcome

Support These Provisions in the Minnesota Agriculture Omnibus Bill!

The omnibus bill for agriculture, known as HF2278, is being conferences in the conference committee, ie, it is being tweaked and changed here and there to make it into the law it will eventually become, if the House and Senate can stay up late enough to ever vote on it.

Please contact your House Representative and Senator to encourage them to support the following points:

  • Support the incusion of 1 million per year in the Soil Health Program (not the alternative $250K per year).
  • Fund the Forever Green program with $1.5 million plus $500K “tails” in this bill. (There is some ambiguity in with this issue. The Senate side of the bill funds the program with 1.5, but the House gives it nothing. But, the House has it in another bill. For now, just ask for the 1.5 million in the ag bill.)
  • Fund “Continuous Living cover” at $1.250 mil year 1, $250K year 2 plus $500 K tails.
  • Support funding for a Climate Coordinator for $150k per biennium.
  • Support $2.5 mil total for pollinators and perennial research.