Patty Acomb — House District 45B
The DFLEC proudly endorses Representative Patty Acomb, who represents parts of Minnetonka and nearby communities, for reelection. The current chair of the House Climate and Energy Committee, Rep. Acomb is a natural resources professional and one of the Legislature’s foremost climate champions. It’s no exaggeration to say that Patty is one of the most committed and effective environmentalist elected officials in Minnesota. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Esther Agbaje — House District 59B
The DFLEC proudly endorses Representative Esther Agbaje, who represents parts of Downtown and North Minneapolis, for reelection. Rep. Agbaje is a strong advocate for climate action, focusing especially on buildings, land use, and transportation. She is also an environmental justice champion who fights for all Minnesotans, whether her district and hundreds of miles away, to have clean air and water. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Harley Droba — House District 3A
The DFLEC heartily endorses Harley Droba, the DFL-endorsed candidate running to flip HD 3A in Minnesota’s Arrowhead region for the DFL. Droba currently serves as Mayor of International Falls, drawing on his experience as a city council member, an advocate for veterans, and a community organizer. He firmly believes in investing in clean energy and transportation and in protecting our great outdoors, and we hope to soon see him putting these values into practice in the Legislature. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Alex Falconer — House District 49A
The DFLEC heartily endorses Alex Falconer for election to the open, DFL-held House District 49A in Eden Prairie and Minnetonka. Falconer is a longtime DFL organizer and environmentalist with a long track record of advancing bipartisan policies to protect Minnesota’s lands and waters. We are excited by his candidacy and hope to see him elected as a new champion for our great outdoors in the Legislature. Campaign web site . Endorsed .
Gregg Hendrickson — House District 5B
The DFLEC heartily endorses Gregg Hendrickson in his bid for election in the GOP-held House District 5B, centered on Todd County in north central Minnesota. Hendrickson is an Army veteran and business leader with a deep knowledge of the water use and pollution issues that impact his district, and drive to act on them to protect future generations. We eagerly hope that HD 5B elects him to the Minnesota House this November. Campaign web site . Endorsed .
Heather Holmes — House District 24A
The DFLEC heartily endorses Heather Holmes, who is running to flip the GOP-held House District 24A that spans Dodge and western Olmsted Counties. Holmes is a scientific researcher and Byron school board member with a passion for public service and environmental action. She is especially knowledgeable and focused on the clean water, clean energy, and farming issues that directly affect her district, and we believe she would be a tremendous voice for these concerns in Saint Paul. Campaign web site . Endorsed .
Veda Kanitz — House District 57A
The DFLEC is thrilled to endorse Veda Kanitz for election in the south metro House District 57A, which includes Elko New Market and parts of Lakeville. Kanitz is a science teacher and DFL leader who served for years as Chair of the DFL Environmental Caucus, and is one of our party’s most hardworking environmental advocates. If elected to this seat, she will be among the Legislature’s strongest champions for climate action, clean water, and a healthy future for all Minnesotans, and we are tremendously honored to support her candidacy! Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Ginny Klevorn — House District 42B
The DFLEC proudly endorses Representative Ginny Klevorn, who represents parts of Plymouth, for reelection. Klevorn has championed clean agriculture and a just clean energy transition in the Legislature, working across the aisle to deliver results for Minnesota’s future. We especially appreciate her efforts to fund research into farming techniques that can heal Minnesota’s soil and water, and hope to see her continue this vital work. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Liish Kozlowki — House District 8B
The DFLEC proudly endorses Rep. Liish Kozlowki in their campaign for reelection to the eastern Duluth-based House District 8B. Kozlowski previously served as Duluth’s Community Relations officer, where they helped design Duluth’s City Climate Action Plan. They are now one of the Legislature’s most passionate champions for climate justice and protections for Lake Superior and the communities that call it home. Their deep commitment to environmental protection and experience with community organizing make them one of the DFLEC’s proudest incumbent endorsements, and we eagerly look forward to their reeelection. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Jamie Long — House District 61B
The DFLEC proudly endorses Representative Jamie Long, who represents southwest Minneapolis, for reelection. Representative Long serves as House Majority Leader and is one of the House’s foremost climate champions, authoring the landmark 2023 law that mandates 100% carbon-free electricity in Minnesota by 2040. We have every confidence in Long’s leadership and hope to see him continue his work for years to come. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Betty McCollum — Congressional District 4
The DFLEC proudly endorses environmental champion Betty McCollum in her bid for reelection to represent the East Metro in Congress. Congresswoman McCollum is a sponsor of the Green New Deal and has spent her career fighting for the protection of Minnesota’s natural resources, including the Boundary Waters Wilderness. She is one of the strongest environmentalists ever to serve in Minnesota’s Congressional Delegation and we hope to see her continue her good work. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Kelly Morrison — Congressional District 3
The DFLEC heartily endorses Kelly Morrison in her campaign for the open Third Congressional District in the western Twin Cities suburbs. Morrison currently represents the Minnetonka area in the Minnesota Senate, where she is one of our state’s strongest environmental champions on issues ranging from climate action, to road salt, to sulfide mining. We are thrilled that she will soon be bringing that same passion, expertise, and love for Minnesota and its people to Washington. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Lucy Rehm — House District 48B
The DFLEC proudly endorses Rep. Lucy Rehm for reelection to represent House District 48B, centered on Chaska and Chanhassen, in the Minnesota House. A former educator and city council member, Rehm is especially concerned with clean water and climate issues. As a member of the committees on Agriculture, Climate, and Sustainable Infrastructure, she has authored bills advancing clean energy and carbon-free transportation. We were thrilled when she flipped her seat from red to blue in 2022 and hope to see her reelected this November. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Kari Rehrauer — House District 35B
The DFLEC heartily endorses Kari Rehrauer for election to House District 35B, a key swing seat centered on Coon Rapids. Rehrauer is a science teacher and city council member with a passion for environmental issues. She supports legislation to protect our waters, lands, and wildlife and enact a Minnesota Green New Deal, and we hope to see her advance these good ideas in the Minnesota House. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Liz Reyer — House District 52A
The DFLEC proudly endorses Representative Liz Reyer, who represents parts of Eagan and Burnsville, for re-election. Rep. Reyer is a business leader and community organizer with a passion for climate action and sustainability. We especially appreciate her work as Vice Chair of the House Capital Investment Committee – where she helped to pass tremendous investments in energy and clean water infrastructure – and her efforts to support solar energy to Minnesota. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Champion .
Aron Schnaser — House District 7A
The DFLEC heartily endorses Aron Schnaser in his campaign to flip HD 7A, an Iron Range House district in Aitkin, Itasca, and St. Louis counties. Schnaser is a teacher and political organizer in Itasca County who holds strong progressive values and believes in the protection of our environment for future generations. He is fully supportive of bold climate action and securing our clean water against pollution, and we wish him the best in his effort to return this seat to DFL control. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Jen Schultz — Congressional District 8
The DFLEC endorses Jennifer Schultz, former three-term member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, for election to represent Northern Minnesota in Congress. Schultz is a longtime Great Lakes champion and a strong advocate for policies and infrastructure that protect clean water. As an economist, she recognizes that climate leadership is an opportunity for both Northern Minnesota’s environment and its economic well-being. The 8th District’s Republican Congressman Pete Stauber is a staunch ally of sulfide mining and oil companies, and we hope to see him replaced with a voice for Minnesota’s future in Jennifer Schultz. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Lucia Wroblewski — House District 41A
The DFLEC heartily endorses Lucia Wroblewski, who is running for the currently GOP-held House District 41B in western Washington County. Wroblewski is dedicated to public service, currently serving as an Afton city councilmember and having previously served as a police officer and a planning commissioner member. She is firmly committed to conservation and environmental protection, and has personally transformed a 25 acre parcel in Afton from row cropped farmland into a conservation parcel of established prairie and mature woods. We hope to see her bring these values to the Minnesota House. Campaign web site . Endorsed as an Environmental Challenger .
Disclaimer: Sometimes a candidate that is endorsed by a community caucus such as the DFL Environmental caucus fails to be endorsed by the DFL Organizing Unit in which they are seeking a DFL endorsement. When this happens, the DFLEC endorsement is no longer in effect. Normally, this person will be unlisted from this page. It is important to know that this is normal, and does not reflect negatively on any individual. Also note that the DFL does not have a mechanism for keeping track of this process, so it is possible that a volunteer run community caucus does not remove an endorsee instantly. You are welcome to let us know if you see an endorsement that should not be here, and we thank you for your patience.