Welcome to the DFL Environmental Caucus
Join us Sunday December 15th at 6PM on Zoom for our first Legislative Forum and Meeting!
Welcome From Chair Megan Bond and Chair Emeritus Veda Kanitz
We are passionate about preserving and protecting the environment, taking urgent action to address our climate emergency, and working for racial and environmental justice. We are a powerful force in the Minnesota DFL party with a 22- member Executive Committee and over 1000 caucus members from all over the state.
We keep our members up to date on timely issues through meetings, forums and social media. The caucus has active committees working on communication, endorsements, campaigns, legislative action, platform resolutions, and outreach.
At the end of the day, we all want and deserve a safe, clean place to call our home. Caucus members value good paying union jobs, and support a just and equitable transition to carbon- free electricity by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050.
We know we must protect Minnesota’s aquifers and fresh water sources from pollution, commercialization, and export, and we must honor the treaties formed with our tribal communities. We support a moratorium on Copper-Nickel Sulfide mining in Northern Minnesota because it cannot be safely done in our water-rich environment. We oppose Line 3. We cannot afford another pipeline across our pristine Northern waters, especially not one carrying dirty tar sand oil with the carbon footprint of 50 coal-fired power plants.
We love our wild spaces, and cherish the wildlife found there, whether paddling in the BWCA, hiking in a Maple-Basswood forest, or skiing down a trail.
Protect what you love.
Megan Bond, Chair, 2021
Veda Kanitz, Chair Emeritus, Board Member
Questions? Write to us.
Call: (218) 262 – 9368
Facebook page: dflenvironment
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